The Hancock Community has a new and exciting neighbor to welcome this year. The Hancock Bridgewater Church has taken up residence at 533 W Front Street and is already sending a strong message to the community about community outreach, youth services, and community spirit. With more than 65 members and a strong youth engagement program we can certainly see a strong future for their congregation here in Hancock.

Just this past weekend on June 29th, they spent their Sunday service leading by example with their youth leadership team, working with teens and youth of all ages to help clean up the Village of Hancock, collecting 30 bags of litter, washing business windows and had plans to paint and touch up buildings had the rain not stopped them. All in shirts emblazoned with slogans reminding people “don’t just go to church” and that it is also a place for community and youth engagement.
So please join us all in welcoming this active and vibrant new addition to our Hancock Community, and thank them when you see them for helping make our community cleaner and healthier than ever!