
Please join the Hancock Community Education Foundation at the 3rd Annual Don Ellis Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds benefit the Don Ellis Jr. Memorial Scholarship available for Hancock Central High School Students through the education foundation. Please register with the Hancock Golf & Country Club to today at: 607-637-2480

Price Per Person: $60 (4 Person Teams, Cash Prizes)

Businesses or Individuals can sponsor a t-marker! Please visit or for more information about the scholarship at this link:

09:45 AM - Opening Ceremony

10:00 AM - Tee Off

03:00 PM - Brooks Chicken BBQ available to the public ($13 Per Dinner). Pre-order your Brooks Chicken(recommended). Call 607-637-5262

Basket & Board Raffles (all day)

Help to make a difference in a Hancock student's life while honoring one of Hancock's Finest veterans and role models.